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Introducing Miss Asya Sylvia Young Ertaş*

*Asya means Asia in Turkish. Sylvia is the name of Beth's paternal grandmother. Young is part of Beth's Korean name.

Month 0

Month 0

Asya was born on November 20th at 10:34PM Central Time, in Chicago, IL. It was the happiest day of our life. Exciting Activities Achieved: Opening her eyes, learning how to eat. Stats: Weight: 7 lbs 8oz Height: 20 in

Month 1

Month 1

December was an exciting month for all of us. We were getting to know Asya, and she was getting to know the world! She and Cesme formed a strong bond of siblinghood almost immediately. Exciting Activities Achieved: Sleeping through the night, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pooping, peeing! Stats: Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz (69%) Height: 21 in (96%)

Month 2

Month 2

January marked some major growth for Asya. She had been steadily gaining weight since birth, and growing like a weed! She started developing the cutest chunkiest cheeks! Exciting Activities Achieved: Sleeping, tummy time, thumb sucking, smiling! Her first flight and first visit to Rochester! Stats: Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz (98%) Height: 24.5 in (99%)

Month 3

Month 3

February is a month of love, and that is definitely what we were experiencing with Asya! She was such a fun, happy little baby. Exciting Activities Achieved: Sleeping, tummy time, sucking everything, drooling, wiggling around in her crib at night, noticing bright colors! First trip to Ohio. Stats: Weight: N/A (No Dr. appt this month) Height: N/A (No Dr. appt this month)

Month 4

Month 4

March we celebrated St. Patrick's Day! It is a huge celebration for Chicago, and was a lively event for Asya, as she totally represented with her clothing! She's such a happy, giggling little baby! Exciting Activities Achieved: Tummy time, turning over!! Drooling, sucking on anything, first trip to Boston. Stats: Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz (96%) Height: 26.85 in 100%)

Month 5

Month 5

April was a super-duper extra special month for us. It was Asya's first international trip to visit her grandparents in Turkey AND it marked the month that I arrived in the USA as a baby. Asya is wearing mommy's arrival clothes. Exciting Activities Achieved: Turning from back to tummy in both directions (left and right), sleeping on her tummy, eating solid foods. Stats: Weight: 19 lbs (No monthly checkup, just random dr. appt) Height: N/A (No monthly checkup, just random dr. appt)

Month 6

Month 6

May marks 6 months for sweet little Asya. It's hard to believe so much time has passed already. She's been spending the majority of this month in the water at swimming lessons or practicing at the gym. Exciting Activities Achieved: Finally learned to turn from tummy to back. First two teeth on the bottom arrived! We're sitting up alone and without support! Still going strong on the solid foods, 1 meal a day. Stats: Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz (97%) Height: 27 in (90%)

Month 7

Month 7

We are so excited to see what the Month of June will bring us!

Month 8

Month 8

We are so excited to see what the Month of July will bring us!

Month 9

Month 9

We are so excited to see what the Month of August will bring us!

Month 10

Month 10

We are so excited to see what the Month of September will bring us!

Month 11

Month 11

We are so excited to see what the Month of October will bring us!

Month 12

Month 12

One Year Old!!!! We are so excited to see what the Month of November will bring us!

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